Identify theft

How sad and lacking in your own self must you be to steal somebody's identify? Especially a Supreme Being like Sree Maa Shri Ji and try to make a buck? Isn't that the height of crassness? Ever?
You are devoid of a personality and therefore have to tryand steal Sree Maa Shri Ji's Magnifience and pretend that you are a energy healer and have the ability to raise vibrations! Really? Are you just not kidding yourself? I bet you can't raise the vibration of a mouse much less a human being! No, you can't even "Awaken" a bee or an ant!
It would be much better to start with your own self instead of seeing $ signs, stealing a personality that you are not fit for, not even in a million years! Where are your morals? Duping vulnerable people and offering false workshops after stealing Kosmic Fusion Intellectual Property!
What special skills do you have to hold such workshops? No divine qualities, how is it possible to raise vibrations?


  1. Yes, this Joy Kuo or Joy Awakening or whatever her name is now that she keeps changing to avoid her past. Why keep changing your name unless there is something you want to avoid right? Have personally witnessed how she copycats Sree Maa from the way Sree Maa dresses, does manicure, hair extensions and just about whatever Sree Maa does she just instantly copies. Who does she think she is? Dressing and acting like Sree Maa does not automatically make her Sree Maa!


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