Deflection is the name of the game!!

So when you have been found out, one who wants world wide adulation, fame and money and the other who simply came to destroy Kosmic Fusion by her own admission operating out of sheer greed and the other coming from The Dark Side who couldn't see the Beauty and Magnificence of The Quantum Vortex Scalar Vortex Photon Pulse which is what this desperate planet needs now right now 

Anyone with an ounce of compassion, love and a smidgen of intelligence would know "hey we are on an extremely good thing here" the ball is in our court as Paratpar Guru has made us aware of it, gifted it and presented it to share with the world.

Neither Irene/Joy Kuo or Dallia/Malana could understand this priceless Diamond Embedded Gift!

When things went south for them, Irene/Joy called to account for her greed and theft of Paratpar Guru's personal items like hard drives, Intellectual property and Dallia/Malana with her delusions of The Dark Side and pathetic excuses! So are you going to call when you have been found out? If you are a ghost you would not call in The Ghost Busters! But no you call in Cult Watch and think you have won over the day!

Cult Watch is a christian based organisation, what does it know about Sanatan Dharma _ The Universal Way of Righteous Living? The answer is nothing!

To date Irene/Joy has set herself up as a healer of some sort and operates online. Dallia/Malana has floated away like a bee and apparently deals with flower essences.

To quote Paratpar Guru " You can be either comfortable or courageous, you cannot be both. Do what is right, not what is easy."


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